Staff from the Biosciences team have for the past few years used the StudyZone quiz tool to provide both formative and summative assessment to students.
The process involves creating a database of questions in StudyZone . You have a choice of 9 different question types including short answer questions, MCQ’s, fill in the blank, paragraph questions etc. The great thing about it is that once the questions have been created they can be reused over and over again on different StudyZone sites and from year to year. For those of you looking for a way to provide quick and easy feedback why not try using the StudyZone quiz tool?
Feedback from the tutors has been positive as per the comments below:
‘Online quizzes can dramatically cut down the time spent marking assessments, while also providing rapid feedback to students, and are particularly effective in this regards when the questions set can be multiple choice. However, with some effort it is also possible to set online quizzes to automatically mark short answer questions too.’ Lewis Halsey, Senior Lecturer Comparative and Eco Physiology
‘We regularly use on-line quizzes for first year Biosciences students. They allows us to test all aspects of the module (rather than only two or three areas), provide an insight into how well the students are taking up the material, and give the students instant feedback on their progress. In terms of administrative cost, once they are set up they offer an assessment with minimal maintenence and no marking, which is win-win from an instructor's standpoint.’ Todd Rae, Senior Lecturer , School of Human and Life Sciences (Biosciences & Anthropology)